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Frequently Asked Questions

No, Ireland has two native reptiles that belong to the serpent family: the Common Lizard and the Slow Worm, a legless snake-like serpent measuring several inches long which is native to Clare. It was the Pagon Human sacrifice people that Patrick drove from Ireland that represents the Snakes.

The Government of Ireland Act was designed to create two separate Home Rule territories, both of which would remain in the United Kingdom—a Northern Ireland and a Southern Ireland—that would both be quasi-autonomous, self-governing entities of the United Kingdom. But Irish nationalists had unilaterally declared an independent Ireland and launched a guerrilla campaign—the Irish War of Independence, or Anglo-Irish War (1919–21) and refused to recognize the act; they refused to reconcile themselves to remaining within the United Kingdom.

All full Irish breakfasts include some or all of the following: Bacon, sausages, baked beans, eggs, mushrooms, grilled tomatoes, and perhaps some cooked leftover potatoes made into a hash or a bubble and squeak. There will also be toast, butter, marmalade, and lots of tea or coffee to drink. Black or white pudding, which is also known as drisheen. The bread served will also often be Irish soda bread, you may also find fried potato farl (quadrant-shaped flatbread) or boxty (Irish potato pancake) as an alternative to brown soda bread.

Before Brexit, it would have been a resounding, “yes.” There was a kind of momentum and there seemed to be a will for reunification. The strong referendum in favor of the Good Friday Agreement on both sides of the border in Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic suggested that there was a political will, if not toward unification, at least toward reconciliation.

The agreement gave formal recognition to Northern Ireland’s multiple identities, allowing residents to identify as British, Irish, or both. It ended direct U.K. rule and set up a Northern Ireland legislature and government with power shared between unionist and nationalist parties. The agreement affirmed Northern Ireland as part of the U.K. but set out that it could in the future unite with Ireland if a majority in both the North and the Republic supported the move.